Customs Regulations

Duty Free - Tax Free

Free import by non-residents older than 15 years (residents may import half the duty free quantities). If more is imported the whole quantity is dutiable:

  1. 200 Cigarettes, or 50 Cigars, or 100 Cigarillos (of 3 grammes each max), or 250 grammes Tobacco.
  2. Distilled beverages 1 liter, or 2.25 litres of wine or 3 litres beer.

* For personal use only! Not for trade or business use!

Perfume: no restrictions. If the total value of the goods per passenger exceeds ANG 400.-, declaration should be made on customs forms and cleared at the freight department. The importation of leather articles from Haiti is not advisable.

Currency Import regulations

Local currency: (Antillian Guilder-ANG) and foreign currencies: amounts exceeding ANG 20,000.- or its equivalent must be declared.

Currency Export regulations

Local currency: (Antillian Guilder-ANG) and foreign currencies: amounts exceeding ANG 20,000.- or its equivalent must be declared.


If you are traveling to Curaçao and you are bringing medication with you, there should be no problem at customs if it is clear that the medicine is for personal use. It is recommended to bring a letter from your physician stating the amount of medicine you use per day. It is prohibited to bring narcotics into the country. In case of emergency, if you are in Curaçao and need specific medication from the US that is not available in Curaçao, you should contact a pharmacist in Curaçao who will be able, with your doctor's prescription from the US, to obtain a comparable medicine. Please note that sending unregistered medication to Curaçao by mail is prohibited. (If the medicine is produced abroad it is considered unregistered in Curaçao).